Julie Turner

Julie Turner’s sketches and story:
“As I waited anxiously for my first ever procedure under general anaesthetic I was supported by caring nurses and doctors, and the kindness of fellow patients, but I also needed a distraction to occupy my mind and found myself turning turning to art.
“Sitting alone in an unfamiliar cubicle with tall, pleated cream curtains around me, I was instantly drawn to the light and shadows. A shadowy start became more colourful and dramatic as the hours passed. The light shifted over time as did my mood. The curtains around me were open so I captured the closed curtains of a patient opposite. The time flew by as I sketched and nurses and doctors so caringly attended to myself and others.
“The anaesthetist peeked inside my sketchbook and encouraged me to show it to CW+ who kindly invited me to share these sketches.
“I’d love to encourage every patient to bring a sketchbook with them to Chelsea & Westminster and participate in ‘Sketch In’ as a creative way to help pass the time and calm their nerves. I couldn’t concentrate on reading a book but as my hands kept busy and my mind wandered, through art I let my anxieties go.”